Defusing the Myths and Misconceptions About Dementia

Mental health issues are surrounded by number of stigmas and so is dementia. The society is not yet ready to acknowledge the effect and seriousness of these conditions. This also causes lack of knowledge and awareness of these conditions. Which leads to fear in the population, delays the process of diagnosis and leaves the people affected alone.

But there is much more to know about dementia. Let us dissolve some myths about dementia with the reality:

Dementia is Only a Single Disease

Dementia consists of lot of conditions. Even though Alzheimer’s disease is the most known one, it is not the only one, there exist others as well. We have Vascular Dementia, Lewy Body Dementia, Frontotemporal Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, etc. Each one of these have their unique symptoms, causes and development due to which the accuracy of the diagnosis becomes important for the treatment or clan plan to be developed.  (Pfizer, 2021)

Only Old People Get Dementia

Although it has been seen that dementia mostly affects older population, saying that it is only limited to it is not true. Dementia can affect people below 65yr of age as well, this is known as early onset of dementia. In total the 9% of the dementia cases are of younger population. But as its symptoms resembles those of other mental health issues and stress, the diagnosis gets delayed. (Alzheimer Society of Canada)

Dementia Means Memory Loss

Forgetting things is a common symptom of dementia, but it is not the first or the only symptom of dementia. There are symptoms like irritation, anger, mood swings, child-like behaviour, not being able to decide, and many others. (Alzheimer’s Association, 2023)

Dementia is Inevitable

There is no cure for dementia (Alzheimer Society of Canada), but it can still be prevented. An active brain and an active body make an individual healthy. This implies for old people as well. Exercising or just a simple walk daily, a balanced diet, reading newspaper, etc. can help prevent old age diseases like dementia. so, forming habits and routine could be helpful.

Only Brain Gets Affected in Dementia

People believe that dementia only affects the cognition (memory and thinking) which is not true. It affects many other aspects of living, like, walking, talking, eating, or even small motor movements become difficult. Therefore, providing them with massages, soft meals or physiotherapy or physical therapy becomes a part of caring. This way both the cognitive and physical issues can be addressed.

Dementia Does Not Cause Death

Dementia is found to be one of the major causes of death in many countries. It increases the risk or other diseases and disorders as well as complicates the health of an individual. This is because of lack of awareness and knowledge about dementia among the population.

It is Difficult to Take Care of Patients with Dementia

Taking care of dementia patients might be a challenge, but it’s never difficult. With proper guidance, environment and help their condition can improve a lot as well. Parent care facilities like VataVriksh Parent Care, Gurugram have made it easy.

Memory Related Issues in Dementia Patients Cannot Improve

It is a common belief that memory can never be improved for a dementia patients which isn’t true at all. Memory related issues in dementia can be improved. Approach like Memory Care are focused on these.

-Esha Gusain


Alzheimer Society of Canada. (n.d.). Dementia myths and realities. Retrieved from

Alzheimer’s Association. (2023). Dementia symptoms and causes. Retrieved from

Pfizer. (2021). 5 myths about dementia. Retrieved from

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