How To Balance Between Work Productivity & Caring For Parents With Neurological Conditions?

Healthcare professionals working in the neurological field have spent their lives studying and researching the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. Epilepsy, Autism spectrum disorders, Dyslexia, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc., are some conditions that often need acute care and support, and the family members are initially expected to assume the caregiving position. The care for dementia patients takes a lot out of the caregiverś energy and hard work, draining them from the inside out every day. 

It may be easier to spot the ailing symptoms in parents and take them to healthcare professionals. However, understanding the trigger points and managing them at home is another feat to achieve. Neurological disorders tend to alter the behaviour, mood, and health conditions, often leaving seniors stranded from these basic rights.

When you have a parent at home suffering from a neurological disorder, you may have an idea of the spectrum of the caregiver’s duty. As it slowly becomes a full-time job for family members, hiring a caregiver or sending them off to an assisted living facility is the wisest thing to do. To better shed light on the problems that caregivers at home face, we must first understand the impacts it usually has on a working individual. 

  • There is nothing to hide about the negative impacts on working professionals caring for parents with neurological disorders at home, and there is little doubt about how it may impact their productivity in their respective professions. 
  • The severity of the symptoms is another challenging thing for home caregivers to manage, and when they can no longer keep them safe, they may have to admit them to a rehabilitation center in Gurgaon for recovering and healing. 
  • Living with a neurological condition is an obstacle, to say the least, but it is even more dire for a caregiver who also has a full-time job to attend to. It is hard for most of us to get a job, and for people with parents who have neurological conditions and are stationed at home, it gets harder to keep the job down. So, they need to choose a profession where their employers and colleagues well understand their conditions. 
  • Apart from all these, they will also need a supporting work environment where they can leave for emergency purposes whenever required. They will need flexibility in their work schedule to attend to their ill parents if such a situation arises. When they can no longer balance their work and caregiving duties, look for a reliable elderly parents day care center that can keep them healthy and safe. 

Balancing Work And Caregiving

Parents with neurological conditions are hard enough to deal with, and a constant source of worry, and for the caregiver to be working professionally in such situations can become extremely difficult. However, as a compassionate society, employers can also make a few changes that can make it easier for employees with ailing parents at home. The following suggestions are to be taken into account in conditions where the neurological condition is still manageable and not for people already in respite care homes

Minimize Travel Requirements

Frequent travel for work can be exhausting, especially when managing parents with neurological conditions. Employees should discuss their circumstances with employers and, if possible, secure positions closer to home.

Adopt Self-Management Strategies
Balancing an office job with caregiving can feel overwhelming. Employees must develop self-management strategies to help maintain their composure and mental well-being.

Create Supportive Work Environments
A non-judgmental and supportive workplace is very important. Motivation and understanding from employers and colleagues can enable caregivers to improve productivity while managing home and work responsibilities effectively.


The idea of dementia care homes is often reserved as a last resort for people diagnosed with memory-related disorders. Many individuals live their lives and go to work and come home to look after their parents with neurological problems. However, as the balance starts tipping onto one side, they may need to reconsider their decision. VataVriksh Parent Care is by your side and is ready to extend a helping hand to make situations better for you and your parents.